Squads, Scrums & Tribes


How can we be of help?

Pieza de LegoNo encontramos propuestas para que el equipo comparta experiencias y se fortalezcan los vínculos
Pieza de LegoNo estamos yendo todos en una misma dirección, no funcionamos como un verdadero equipo
Pieza de LegoNo sabemos cómo y cuándo iniciar la transformación digital
Pieza de LegoNos está faltando lo básico: no hay buenos niveles de confianza entre la gente
We have gone through an emotional tsunami, we are devastated
We have been unsuccessful in terms of diversity inclusion, still cannot deal with younger generations
We are not people centric yet but we want to get there and the sooner the better
Our people need personal support, but currently we don't have mentors in our staff to play that kind of role
We have missed to accomplish results and the most likely explanation for that is that we do not have a winning team
Dysfunctional relationships are affecting work climate and business goals, we are far from an environment that fosters value co-creation
Work climate is a must, but we have failed to balance work and family life and this weakens the willingness to collaborate among each other
Changes have to be made, but taking care of people
Leaders are not connecting with their teams; they tend to be just bosses
The policy of open doors is unfeasible, we are not really there for our people
We are missing the basics, there's no real trust among people
Stress feels baked into our work culture, people need a way to release tension
We want to become agile even though we are not in the software industry. Does it make sense to adopt the methodologies in our case?
I am not clear about the possibility of gamifying some processes and improve our team's experience.
We have stars, rainmakers, that are crucial to our business, but they don't fit right in the team and they become a problem
There are cultural fit issues and if we fail to align talent we will end up losing the skilled ones
Out business depends on superstars, but it´s not easy to recruit them and it´s even harder to keep them
We are not finding the right approach when it comes to sharing time  as a  team, either to solve problems or just to  enhance networking
The union is interfering with management decisions and curtailing our moves
Union relations are not improving, we are not building a better future for all workers, we are failing.
Middle management seems incapable of leading  under the present conditions, there is certain confusion as to how people should be treated
There are conflicts and tensions… even some cases of violence at work, the climate is hostile